Pilot JokeOne of the problems with 'majority rule' is the majority is usually wrong. - Thomas Jefferson
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The Secret to Long Life

A 64 year old man went to the doctor for his annual physical. His doctor was amazed at his physical condition and said, "Tell me, to what do you attribute your good health?"

The Secret to Long Life

The old-timer replied, "I'm a pilot. That's what keeps me in shape. Every day I'm up before dawn. I do a pre-flight inspection where I crawl all over the aircraft. Then I fly all day, etc."

"Well, I'm sure that helps, but there must be more to it than that. How old was your father when he died?"

"Who said my father was dead?"

"You mean you're 64 years old and your father is still alive?" asked the doctor. "How old is he?"

"He's 83. He's a pilot, too, and still flying. That's what keeps him in shape. In fact, he built the plane he's flying now. He went flying with me this morning."

"That's great," said the doctor. "But I'm sure there's more to it than flying. What about your grandfather. How old was he when he died?"

"Who said my grandfather was dead?"

"You mean your father is 83 years old and his father is still alive? How old is he?" asked the doctor.

The old-timer replied, "My grandfather is 101 years old and he was a pilot, too."

Skeptical, the doctor said, "I guess he also went flying with you this morning."

"Oh, no," said the old-timer. "He couldn't go this morning. He just got married and he's on his honeymoon."

"Just got married!" said the doctor. "Why would a 101 year old man want to get married?"

To which the old-timer replied, "Who said he wanted to?"

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